Welcome to Interstellar security’s Pentesting page. Here you can find more details about our pentesting service.
What we do:
We will professionally run scans and scout out your internet facing servers for application vulnerabilities and exploits.
All tests include the minimum:
- Open Port scan
- Application Scan
- Versioning Scan
- Domain Scan
Vulnerability scanning is conducted through modern tools that will find the most up to date vulnerabilities. Kali, Nessus, and OpenVAS scanners are used.
All findings are classified and will only ever be shared with the certified entity ordering our services. We will never share our reports.
Interstellar Security is a US based CompTIA certified cyber security firm made up of two cyber security professionals. We have years of experience working on servers, computers, and networks and promise you the highest quality of service.
Due to the nature of penetration testing, we ask that each client prove ownership of the endpoint. For domains we ask that the owner send us an email from the Administrator address, and for servers we ask for a custom web page or other means of verification.
Primary Service Outline
Note: Each lever of service is completely open to customization. Our preliminary discussions will evolve what may be in the scope of our business.
Level 1
We will scan one endpoint (ip address of domain), checking for open ports, internet facing PII, applications, vulnerabilities. You will receive a report including all of our findings.
Level 2
We will scan your endpoint(s) and run an in depth scan on each. We will find everything exposed to the internet and run multiple tests checking for open ports, internet facing PII, applications, vulnerabilities. You will receive a detailed report including all of our findings.
Level 3
We will scan your endpoint(s) and run an in depth scan on each. In addition we will run a variety of pen tests to attempt exploitation of your end point. We will find everything exposed to the internet and run multiple tests checking for open ports, internet facing PII, applications, vulnerabilities. You will receive a detailed report including all of our findings.
Sample Delieverables:
Tier 1 and 2 two will look like the following:
Tier 3 will look like the following: